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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

On Day 249 of the US-Backed Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Strip, 3 Massacres, 40 Palestinians Killed, 120 Injured, with a Death Toll of  37,164 and 84,832 Injuries

June 11, 2024 


Editor's Notes:  

Here are some initial (not final) statistics, which show the Israeli war crimes against humanity, during the current Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip:  

By June 11, 2024, the initial death toll of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip is 44,164+.   

This includes the accounted for deaths (37,164 and those who are still missing under the rubble (Corrected on April 18, 2024: 7,000+). 

By June 11, 2024, the documented injuries exceeded 84,832 and more than 2,520 civilians have been abducted from Gaza Strip. 70% of deaths were for children and women.

By June 11, 2024, 537 Palestinians who were killed, 4,429 who were injured, and 9,180, who were abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, since October 7, 2023 (Some of the detainees have been released).

By May 21, 2023, the Palestinian death toll in Gaza included 15,000+ children (43%).

By March 4, 2023, the death toll also included 13,420+ children, 8,900+ women (more than 72.8% of the accounted for victims), 364 doctors and medical staff, 132 journalists, and 48 civil defense workers. 

By May 25, 2024, the Government Media Office (GMO) said that the Israeli occupation forces killed 493 health personnel and kidnapped 310 others of them.

By January 17, 2024, about 661 detainees from Gaza are currently languishing in Israeli prisons as illegitimate combatants(the Israeli term for Palestinian fighters) in addition to more than 50 women from Gaza, who are detained in the Damon prison, noting that 8 women of whom have been recently released.

By March 4, 2024, the Government Media Office (GMO) said that the Israeli occupation forces killed 493 health personnel and kidnapped 310 others of them (May 25, 2024), destroyed 155 health institutions, 32 hospitals, 53 health centers, 126 ambulances, displaced 1.9 million Palestinians, and destroyed 360,000 housing units, about and 60% of the buildings and infrastructure in Gaza Strip.



GMO reveals latest statistics on Israeli genocidal war on Gaza

Saturday 3-February-2024, GAZA, (PIC)

The Palestinian Government Media Office (GMO) in the Gaza Strip revealed on Saturday the latest and most significant figures on the Israeli ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip since October 7.

This announcement comes as the latest updates from the GMO, showing the scale of human and material damage that resulted from the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, on its 120th day.

The statistics demonstrated latest updates on the numbers of martyrs, missing, and wounded people in addition to the sick, displaced and prisoners as well as numbers of damaged structures and infrastructure.

Below are figures released by the GMO about Israel’s violations over the period of 120 days since the start of its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

(2,325) Massacres (34,238) Martyrs and missing people. (27,238) Martyrs who arrived in hospitals. (12,000) Child martyrs. (8,190) Female martyrs. (339) Martyrs of medical staff. (46) Civil defense martyrs. (122) Journalist martyrs. (7,000) Missing, 70% of whom are children and women. (66,452) Wounded.

(11,000) Wounded people in need of travel abroad for treatment, (life-saving and critical cases). (10,000) Cancer patients facing the risk of death. (700,000) Wounded with infectious diseases as a result of displacement. (8,000) Cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement. (60,000) Pregnant women at risk due to the lack of health care. (350,000) Chronic patients at risk due to blocked medications.

(99) Cases of arrest among health personnel. (10) Cases of arrests among identified journalists. (2 million) Displaced people in the Gaza Strip.

(140) Government headquarters destroyed. (100) Completely destroyed schools and universities. (295) Partially destroyed schools and universities. (183) Completely destroyed mosques. (264) Partially destroyed mosques. (3) Destroyed Churches.

(79,200) Completely destroyed housing units. (290,000) Partially destroyed and uninhabitable housing units. (66,000) tons of explosives dropped on Gaza. (30) Hospitals knocked out of service. (53) Health centers knocked out of service. (150) Partially targeted Health institutions. (122) Destroyed ambulances. (200) Destroyed archaeological and heritage sites.


One of the 698 Palestinians, who were inured, together with 274 who were killed in the Israeli genocidal attack on Al-Nusayrat refugee camp, on June 8, 2024

Massive destruction of the Nusayrat residential neighborhood, in which 274 Palestinians were killed, 698 were inured in an Israeli genocidal attack, on June 8, 2024
Three Palestinian journalists, Abdullah Al-Jammal, A'hlam Al-'Ajla, and
Deena Al-Batneeji, were killed by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza Strip,
on June 10, 2024
The US-built floating pier is useless, ineffective in alleviating the catastrophic humanitarian situation, and was used in Israeli attacks, says PGMO,  June 11, 2024

Israeli occupation forces committed a war crime, by using an aid truck to infiltrate Al-Nusayrat, where they massacred hundreds of Palestinian civilians, June 8, 2024

Site of the Israeli occupation forces massacring of four Palestinian young men in Kafr Ni'ma, in the West Bank, June 11, 2024
Performing funeral prayer, in Dair El-Bala'h hospital, on the Palestinian
martyrs, who were massacred by the Israeli occupation forces on Central
Gaza Strip, June 11, 2024
Aftermath of the Israeli genocidal air strike on Al-Zawayda, Central Gaza Strip, June 11, 2024

ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóÜٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

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"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).

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In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).

"If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, (you do it) to yourselves" (Al-Isra, 17: 7). 


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus, peace be upon him, started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

This is a necessary brief background to understand the US-Backed Zionist Israeli continuous wars against the Arab nation generally, and the Palestinian people in particular, which included the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, the brutal crushing of the two Uprisings (1987-1993 and 2000-2004), 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and the current genocidal war on Gaza (Since October 7, 2023), which has culminated a blockade of Gaza since 2007. In addition, the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime launched so many covert operations, raids, and air strikes on many Arab states since 1948.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic names as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the
land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.

Click here for more about using the apostrophe and the underlining of letters in the transliteration of Arabic names.


UNSC adopts US resolution calling for ‘immediate, full and complete ceasefire’

Tuesday 11-June-2024


The UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted a resolution on Monday aimed at reaching a comprehensive ceasefire deal in three phases to end the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

The resolution was adopted by a large majority, with 14 votes in favor and Russia abstaining.

The motion envisages a three-phase approach to ensure a lasting and comprehensive end to the aggression.

Phase one includes an “immediate, full, and complete ceasefire with the release of captives, including women, the elderly, and the wounded, the return of the remains of some captives who have been killed, and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners.”

It calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from “populated areas” of Gaza, the return of Palestinians to their homes and neighborhoods throughout the enclave, including in the north, as well as the safe and effective distribution of humanitarian assistance at scale.

Phase two would see a permanent end to hostilities “in exchange for the release of all other Israeli captives still in Gaza, and a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.”

In phase three, “a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza” would begin and the remains of any deceased captives still in the Strip would be returned to Israel.

The Council also underlined the proposal’s provision that if negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the ceasefire will continue as long as negotiations continue. 


'Hamas welcomes UN resolution on permanent ceasefire

Tuesday 11-June-2024


The 'Hamas Movement welcomed a UN Security Council resolution backing a proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying it is ready to cooperate with mediators over implementing the principles of the plan.

“'Hamas welcomes what is included in the Security Council resolution that affirmed the permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the complete withdrawal, the prisoners’ exchange, the reconstruction, the return of the displaced to their areas of residence, the rejection of any demographic change or reduction in the area of the Gaza Strip, and the delivery of needed aid to our people in the Strip,” 'Hamas said in a statement.

“We confirm our willingness to work with our brothers, the mediators, to negotiate indirectly on how to implement these principles that coincide with our people and the resistance’s demands,” Hamas added.

The UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted a resolution on Monday aimed at reaching a comprehensive ceasefire deal in three phases to end the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

The resolution was adopted by a large majority, with 14 votes in favor and Russia abstaining.


PGMO: So far, the US floating pier “useless” and “humanitarian lie”

Monday 10-June-2024


The Palestinian Government Media Office (PGMO) has affirmed that, (so far), the US-built floating pier, which is anchored to a beach in Gaza, is ineffective in alleviating the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the war-torn coastal territory, describing it as “useless”.

“Following the World Food Program’s announcement of stopping the entry of aid into Gaza through the US floating pier due to security concerns, we once again confirm the futility of this platform,” PGMO head Salama Ma'rouf said in a statement on Monday.

“Since its inauguration one and a half months ago, we have noticed that the pier has not contributed seriously to alleviating the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. A very limited number of trucks, up to 130 trucks, have used it since then,” Ma'rouf added.

Ma'rouf also described the pier as a “humanitarian lie” used as cover for Israeli attacks, including the attack on Al-Nusayrat refugee camp which killed more than 274 people on Saturday.

“If the US administration was serious about its intention to mitigate the impact of the humanitarian catastrophe and honest about helping our people, it would pressure the occupation to open the land crossings and ensure the entry of thousands of aid trucks piled up on the Egyptian side,” he added. 


PRCS: Hiding of Israeli occupation forces inside an aid truck, during their attack on Al-Nusayrat, is considered a war crime

Tuesday 11-June-2024


The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) warned of the dangers posed by the Israeli abuse of a humanitarian aid truck as cover for military operations.

Last Saturday, Israeli occupation forces used an aid truck to infiltrate Al-Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza, which then led to the killing of hundreds of people.

The Nusayrat massacre resulted in the killing of 274 people, including 64 children and 57 women, in addition to injuring 698 others.

Israel’s actions are troubling for several reasons. Using a trusted source for people trapped in the conflict is a violation of international humanitarian and customary law, which prohibits the crime of perfidy. The hiding of military forces inside an aid truck is considered a war crime against civilians. The occupation forces deceived people by pretending to be giving aid, the PRCS said in a statement issued Monday.

The second reason is that it destroys the trust of the civilian population in those who are delivering aid. This again puts humanitarian aid workers and health care workers at risk, the PRCS added.

“These actions come at a time when people living in Gaza desperately need aid, amid suffering from acute food insecurity and ongoing concern of imminent famine,” it said.

PRCS called on the international community to hold the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for their actions.


By the death of three more journalists, the number of journalists martyred in Gaza rises to 150

Tuesday 11-June-2024


The number of journalist martyrs who have been killed in the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip rose to 150 martyrs after the martyrdom of three journalists in recent Israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Government Media Office (PGMO) in Gaza.

The PGMO said on Monday that three journalists have been killed in Gaza in the past 24 hours, bringing to the total number of journalists killed since Israel launched its genocidal war on the enclave to 150, following the martyrdom of Abdullah Al-Jammal, A'hlam 'Izzat Al-'Ajla, and Deena 'Abdullah Al-Batneeji.

The PGMO had repeatedly warned that the Israeli occupation army deliberately targets Palestinian journalists to prevent reporting the crimes it commits in Gaza.

Statistics from the Committee to Protect Journalists, which works to investigate all reports related to killing, injuring, and missing journalists and media workers, show that this war has become the bloodiest for journalists since the committee began its work in 1992.

The International Center for Journalists announced last February that the war on Gaza witnessed the highest levels of violence against journalists in 30 years.

Since October 7, the Israeli occupation army has continued its aggression against the Gaza Strip, with US and European support, killing 37,124 Palestinians and injuring 84,712 others, in addition to the displacement of about 1.7 million people, according to UN data.


Human rights groups: 9,155 Palestinians arrested in the West Bank since October 7

Monday 10-June-2024


Palestinian human rights groups concerned with the issue of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails said that the tally of the Palestinian detainees who have been abducted in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, amounted to more than 9,155 captives.

The Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs Commission, the Palestinian Prisoner Society and the Al-Dhameer Foundation said in a joint statement, that the number of detained women surged to more than 310, while arrests among children jumped to 640.

The arrest campaigns affected 80 journalists, with 48 of whom are still held captive in the Israeli occupation apartheid regime jails, while 12 journalists from Gaza are likely subjected to enforced disappearance.

The human rights groups indicated that the orders of administrative detention reached more than 6,627 new orders and renewals, including orders against children and women.

The ongoing arrests campaign since October 7 last year have been carried out in conjunction with committing more crimes and escalating violations including severe abuse and assaults, and threats against detainees and their families, as well as sabotage and extensive destruction of citizens’ homes, confiscation of vehicles, money, and gold jewelry, along with the extensive destruction against infrastructure specifically in Toulkarm and Jenin cities and their camps, according to the statement.

In addition to detention campaigns, the IOFs carried out field executions, including family members of some prisoners, it added.

At least 18 identified prisoners have been martyred inside Israeli occupation prisons since October 7 last year, the statement highlighted, adding that 16 bodies of martyr prisoners who were announced martyrs after October 7, 2023, have been detained among 27 martyr prisoners whose bodies are still detained by the IOF.

The statement indicated that these statistics do not include the arrests from Gaza, where the IOF has recently admitted the arrest of at least 4,000 citizens, with 1,500 of them released later on, noting that the IOF arrested hundreds of Gaza workers in the West Bank, in addition to citizens of Gaza who were present in the West Banks hospitals for medical treatment. 


Gaza: Security Council adopts US resolution calling for ‘immediate, full and complete ceasefire’

UN News, 10 June 2024

The UN Security Council on Monday adopted a resolution aimed at reaching a comprehensive ceasefire deal in three phases to end the war in Gaza, with US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield telling members "today, we voted for peace."

The United States-drafted text calls for Hamas to accept a ceasefire proposal announced on 31 May by President Joe Biden that has already been accepted by Israel.

Adopted by a large majority with 14 votes in favour and Russia abstaining - choosing not to exercise its veto power - the resolution also urges both parties to fully implement the terms of the proposal “without delay and without condition.”

Russia's Permanent Representative told the Council after the vote there was a lack of clarity over what exactly Israel had signed up to in the resolution, leaving too many questions unanswered for Moscow to offer its support.

'Durable end' to the war in sight 

President Biden described the deal as “not just a ceasefire that would inevitably be fragile and temporary" but one that would provide a "durable end to the war”.

He added that the terms of the deal had been transmitted by Qatar to the leadership of Hamas.

Signaling a hopeful shift in diplomacy, the US-led initiative brought both Israel and the Palestinian mission on board, avoiding the vetoes from permanent members – including the US itself – which have stalled action on several of the resolutions which have failed to pass since the 7 October attacks and kidnappings began the cycle of violence.

Three-phase approach

The motion envisages a three phase approach to ensure a lasting and comprehensive end to the fighting.

Phase one includes an “immediate, full, and complete ceasefire with the release of hostages including women, the elderly and the wounded, the return of the remains of some hostages who have been killed, and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners”.

It calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from “populated areas” of Gaza, the return of Palestinians to their homes and neighborhoods throughout the enclave, including in the north, as well as the safe and effective distribution of humanitarian assistance at scale. 

Permanent end to hostilities

Phase two would see a permanent end to hostilities “in exchange for the release of all other hostages still in Gaza, and a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza”.

In phase three, “a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza” would begin and the remains of any deceased hostages still in the Strip would be returned to Israel.  

The Council also underlined the proposal’s provision that if negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the ceasefire will continue as long as negotiations continue.

No territorial change

In the resolution, the Security Council rejects any attempt at demographic or territorial change in the Gaza Strip, including any actions that reduce the territory of the enclave. 

The text also reiterates the Council’s “unwavering commitment” to the vision of the two-State solution where two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders consistent with international law and relevant UN resolutions.

“In this regard stresses the importance of unifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority,” the resolution added.

'Hamas must accept deal: US

The fighting could stop today if Hamas agrees to the deal now endorsed by the Security Council, said US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

'Hamas should now see clearly that the international community is united, “united behind a deal that will save lives and help Palestinian civilians in Gaza start to rebuild and heal. United behind a deal that will reunite hostages with their families after eight months in captivity.”

Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield said there was now an opportunity to chart a new course and the US will help ensure that Israel lives up to its obligations, “assuming that Hamas accepts the deal.”

Today is the fourth Security Council resolution making clear that the only way to end the cycle of violence “is through a political settlement", she added.

Algeria: ‘Palestinian lives matter’

Algerian Ambassador Amar Bendjama said that his compatriots “deeply feel” the suffering of Palestinians and with their own history of struggle against colonial occupation, “fully understand and support” the Palestinian people’s legitimate and just demands.

“As a free and dignified people, the Palestinians will never accept living under occupation. They will never abdicate their fight for liberation,” he said.

Stressing that Algeria’s sole guiding principle has been to save Palestinian lives, he said that his country cannot remain silent in the face of collective punishment against Palestinian people.

“Palestinian lives matter,” he stressed.

He said Algeria voted in favor of the draft because it represents a step towards an immediate and lasting ceasefire. “This text is not perfect, but it offers a glimmer of hope to the Palestinians as the alternative is continued killing and suffering...We voted for this text to give diplomacy a chance", he added.

“It is time to halt the killing.”

Permanent ceasefire is key: China

China’s Ambassador Fu Cong said they have voted in favor of the resolution but there needs to be a permanent ceasefire which has been at the core of the international community’s concerns.

Ending the bombardment and offensive is also the most pressing need for civilians under fire in Gaza.

He stressed that all Security Council resolutions are binding, and today’s must be no different.

All resolutions have to be implemented in an efficient and constructive way, he added.

Russia: No clarity to ‘so-called deal’

Russian Ambassador and Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia said his country had abstained due to several outstanding concerns.

“From the very outset of the military escalation, we have consistently and unwaveringly advocated for the imperative for a permanent ceasefire regime, including in order to release the hostages and remedy the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip,” he said.

“We have a whole of host of questions about the American draft resolution, whereby the Council welcomes some deal – the ultimate outlines of which are not known to anyone perhaps except the mediators,” he said.

Although the resolution calls on Hamas to accept the “so called deal” there is no clarity on the official agreement of Israel “as it is written in the resolution.”

Noting the public statements of Israeli leaders indicating that the war would continue until Hamas is completely defeated, he asked “what specifically has Israel agreed to?”

The parameters of this “deal” are “vague” and the Council should not be signing up to it, he added.

Israel: War aims unchanged

The Representative of Israel Reut Shapir Ben Naftaly said her country’s goals have been “very clear” since the first few days following 7 October: “To bring all our hostages back home and to dismantle Hamas’ capabilities…and ensure that Gaza does not pose a threat to Israel in the future”.

“As we have echoed several times in this very chamber, once these goals are met, the war will end,” she added, noting that 120 hostages remain in captivity and that Hamas continues firing rockets at Israeli towns and cities.

Gaza: Security Council adopts US resolution calling for ‘immediate, full and complete ceasefire’ | UN News



Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

On June 11, 2024, Dr. Ashraf Al-Qidra, the Spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment on Gaza Strip resulted in 3 massacres, which resulted in the killing of 40 Palestinian civilians, and the injury of 120 others, in the past 24 hours. This increased the accounted for death toll in Gaza Strip to 37,164 and the injuries to 84,832, since the start of the Israeli genocidal war on October 7, 2023.   


Death toll in Gaza from ongoing Israeli aggression rises to 37,164

GAZA, Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (WAFA) –

Israeli occupation forces committed three massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the documented killing of 40 Palestinians and the injury of 120 others, according to medical sources.

They confirmed that the Palestinian death toll from the Israeli onslaught since October 7 has risen to 37,164 reported fatalities, with an additional 84,832 individuals sustaining injuries. The majority of whom are women and children.

Meanwhile, ambulance and rescue teams are still unable to reach many casualties and dead bodies trapped under the rubble or scattered on roads. 



Rescue teams recover bodies of three civilians killed in Israeli bombardment of Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, in Rafa'h

GAZA, Tuesday, June 11, 2024(WAFA) –

Rescue teams and citizens today recovered three bodies in the Tel Al-Sultan refugee camp west of the city of Rafa'h, in the southern Gaza Strip.

WAFA correspondent said that rescue crews and citizens were able to recover the bodies of three civilians who were killed in Israeli airstrikes earlier today on Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, in Rafa'h.

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation forces renewed their artillery attacks against several locations in the city of Rafa'h.



Palestinian civil defense crews retrieve bodies of scores of civilians from under the rubble of homes in Gaza City

GAZA, Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (WAFA) – 

Civil Defense crews today recovered the bodies of scores of civilians in Al-Shaikh Radhwan and Al-Daraj neighborhoods in Gaza City.

The crews said that the search is still underway for missing persons from under the rubble of homes targeted by Israeli warplanes in the two neighborhoods.

Medical sources said that a civilian and a number of wounded were recovered as a result of the occupation fighter jet bombing targeting a house belonging to Abu 'Elba family in Abu Iskandar area in Al-Shaikh Radhwan neighborhood in Gaza City.

Meanwhile, scores of civilians and wounded individuals were also recovered from under the rubble of a house for 'Aashour family after it was targeted by Israeli occupation warplanes in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in central Gaza City.

Moving to Al-Nusayrat refugee camp, a number of civilians were killed and others were injured tonight and at dawn today in Israeli airstrikes targeting the camp.

A medical source at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Dair El-Bala'h in the central Gaza Strip announced the arrival of three bodies and a number of wounded when an Israeli warplane bombed a house belonging to Al-Tilbani family in Al-Zawayda area in the central Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian death toll from Israel's deadly aggression against the Gaza Strip since October 7th, 2023, has surged to 37,124.




Killing, Injuring, and Abduction of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces 


 IOFs kill four young men in western Ramallah

Tuesday 11-June-2024


Four Palestinian young men were martyred on Monday evening when the Israeli occupation forces (IOFs) opened fire at them near Kafr Ni’ma town, west of Ramallah.

The General Authority of Civil Affairs told the health ministry in Ramallah that the IOFs seized bodies of four citizens after opening fire at their car near the town.

Eyewitnesses said that Israeli occupation soldiers prevented ambulance crews from reaching the citizens after attacking their car.

Following the incident, the IOFs stormed Kafr Ni’ma town and clashed with local youths, injuring eight of them.

In a related context, the 'Hamas Movement has mourned the four resistance fighters, who were martyred yesterday in an Israeli gunfire attack on their car in Kafr Ni’ma town, saying they were members of its armed wing, Al-Qassam Brigades.

According to a statement released by 'Hamas on Tuesday, the martyrs are Mu'hammed Jabir, Mu'hammed Raslan, Waseem Bassam, and Rushdi Sami'h.


Two Palestinians shot and injured from Israeli gunfire in Nablus and Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem)

NABLUS, Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (WAFA) – 

A Palestinian man was injured at dawn by Israeli occupation forces’ bullets during a military incursion of Balata camp, east of Nablus.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced that a young man was injured by live bullets in the thigh during confrontations with the occupation forces following their incursion of the camp.

In a related context, a 60-year-old Palestinian man was shot and injured by Israeli occupation forces’ bullets while he was on his way to perform the dawn prayer.

Sources said that the Israeli occupation soldiers detained the man, identified as Ahmed Hamdan after shooting him in the town of Abu Dis, southeast of occupied Jerusalem.



Israeli occupation forces detain at least 15 Palestinians from the West Bank

RAMALLAH, Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (WAFA) –

At least 15 Palestinians, including former prisoners, were detained by Israeli occupation forces in the occupied West Bank during the last 24 hours, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) and the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs.

They said in a joint statement that the detentions concentrated mainly in Ramallah, Al-Khaleel (Hebron), Qalqilya, Bethlehem, Nablus, and Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).

Israeli occupation forces continue to carry out widespread raids, arrests, and brutal assaults during detention operations, along with threats against detainees and their families, in addition to extensive destruction and vandalism of civilian homes, according to the joint statement.

 The total number of Palestinians arrested in the occupied West Bank since October 7th of last year has risen to over 9,170. This figure includes those detained from their homes, at military checkpoints, those who surrendered under pressure, and those taken hostage.

The statement emphasized that the Israeli occupation continues its systematic detention campaigns as one of its consistent policies, which escalated significantly after October 7th.

This escalation is not only reflected in the increasing number of detainees but also in the level of atrocities committed, including home invasions of detainees' families accompanied by extensive destruction and vandalism.



 IOFs kidnap Palestinians during West Bank raids

Tuesday 11-June-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOFs) kidnapped at dawn Tuesday a number of Palestinian citizens during raids in the West Bank and Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).

According to local sources, the IOFs kidnapped two citizens from Al-Khaleel City and Taffu'h town, west of al-Khalil.

The IOF also stormed different neighborhoods of Yatta town in al-Khalil province and ransacked some homes, with no reported kidnappings.

In Qalqilya, Israeli occupation forces kidnaped a young man from his home in 'Azzoun town and raided a commercial store and a wedding venue in 'Habla town.

In Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem), Israeli occupation apartheid regime police forces kidnapped an elderly man after opening fire at him and injuring him as he was walking to a mosque to perform the dawn prayer in Abu Dees town. 



Aggression and Attacks by Illegal Israeli Settlers and Soldiers


Two Palestinian men pepper sprayed in an attack by illegal Israeli settlers, near Nablus

NABLUS, Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (WAFA) – 

Two Palestinians today were injured in an attack by illegal Israeli settlers near Al-Mas'oudiya area, northwest of Nablus.

Sources in the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that the two young men in their twenties sustained injuries after they were sprayed with pepper spray by the colonists.

Meanwhile, the two causalities were rushed to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.

It is noteworthy that 15 families live in the Al-Mas'oudiya area and they constantly suffer as a result of the attacks by the Israeli occupation army and its settlers in an attempt to force them to leave the area for the benefit of the illegal Israeli settlement expansion.



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