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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

On Day 224 of the US-Backed Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Strip, 4 Massacres, 31 Palestinians Killed, 54 Injured, with a Death Toll of  35,303 and 79,261 Injuries

May 17, 2024 


Editor's Notes:  

Here are some initial (not final) statistics, which show the Israeli war crimes against humanity, during the current Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip:  

By May 17, 2024, the initial death toll of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip is 42,303+.   

This includes the accounted for deaths (35,303) and those who are still missing under the rubble (Corrected on April 18, 2024: 7,000+). 

By May 17, 2024, the documented injuries exceeded 79,261 and more than 2,520 civilians have been abducted from Gaza Strip. 70% of deaths were for children and women.

By May 17, 2024, 506 Palestinians who were killed, 4,959 who were injured, and 8,758, who were abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, since October 7, 2023 (Some of the detainees have been released).

By January 17, 2024, about 661 detainees from Gaza are currently languishing in Israeli prisons as illegitimate combatants(the Israeli term for Palestinian fighters) in addition to more than 50 women from Gaza, who are detained in the Damon prison, noting that 8 women of whom have been recently released.

By March 4, 2023, the death toll included 13,420+ children, 8,900+ women (more than 72.8% of the accounted for victims), 364 doctors and medical staff, 132 journalists, and 48 civil defense workers. 

The total number of detainees in the occupation prisons until the end of December was 8,800, and the number of administrative detainees was 3,484.

By March 4, 2024, the Government Media Office (GMO) said that the Israeli occupation forces killed 364 health personnel, destroyed 155 health institutions, 32 hospitals, 53 health centers, 126 ambulances, displaced 1.9 million Palestinians, and destroyed 360,000 housing units, about and 60% of the buildings and infrastructure in Gaza Strip.



GMO reveals latest statistics on Israeli genocidal war on Gaza

Saturday 3-February-2024, GAZA, (PIC)

The Palestinian Government Media Office (GMO) in the Gaza Strip revealed on Saturday the latest and most significant figures on the Israeli ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip since October 7.

This announcement comes as the latest updates from the GMO, showing the scale of human and material damage that resulted from the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, on its 120th day.

The statistics demonstrated latest updates on the numbers of martyrs, missing, and wounded people in addition to the sick, displaced and prisoners as well as numbers of damaged structures and infrastructure.

Below are figures released by the GMO about Israel’s violations over the period of 120 days since the start of its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

(2,325) Massacres (34,238) Martyrs and missing people. (27,238) Martyrs who arrived in hospitals. (12,000) Child martyrs. (8,190) Female martyrs. (339) Martyrs of medical staff. (46) Civil defense martyrs. (122) Journalist martyrs. (7,000) Missing, 70% of whom are children and women. (66,452) Wounded.

(11,000) Wounded people in need of travel abroad for treatment, (life-saving and critical cases). (10,000) Cancer patients facing the risk of death. (700,000) Wounded with infectious diseases as a result of displacement. (8,000) Cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement. (60,000) Pregnant women at risk due to the lack of health care. (350,000) Chronic patients at risk due to blocked medications.

(99) Cases of arrest among health personnel. (10) Cases of arrests among identified journalists. (2 million) Displaced people in the Gaza Strip.

(140) Government headquarters destroyed. (100) Completely destroyed schools and universities. (295) Partially destroyed schools and universities. (183) Completely destroyed mosques. (264) Partially destroyed mosques. (3) Destroyed Churches.

(79,200) Completely destroyed housing units. (290,000) Partially destroyed and uninhabitable housing units. (66,000) tons of explosives dropped on Gaza. (30) Hospitals knocked out of service. (53) Health centers knocked out of service. (150) Partially targeted Health institutions. (122) Destroyed ambulances. (200) Destroyed archaeological and heritage sites.


Palestinian women grieving the death of relatives on Day 224 of the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip, May 17, 2024 FM Jose Manuel Albares announced that Spain denied a ship carrying weapons to Israel to dock at Cartagena port and that will be the Spanish policy in the future, May 17, 2024 pic
Palestinian young man Layth 'Hanani died of injuries he sustained earlier during the raid of the Israeli occupation forces on Bait Foureek, the West Bank, May 17, 2024 Palestinian young man Kareem Abdul Ra-ouf Ameer was killed by the Israeli occupation forces in Bal'a, West Bank, on May 17, 2024
At least one Palestinian was killed and several others were injured in an Israeli genocidal airstrike, targeting a house in Jineen refugee camp, in the occupied West Bank, May 17, 2024 Yemenis in San'aa carry copies of the Quran and Palestinian flags during a rally against the US-led strikes against Yemen, and in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, May 17, 2024 Saba news
Al-Sabra clinic in Gaza city, which was destroyed by the Israeli occupation forces, May 17, 2024 Palestinian families lining up to receive some of the donated food in Dair El-Bala'h, as hunger has intensified as a result of the Israeli blocking of food supplies in Rafa'h, May 17, 2024

ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóÜٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

"ãöäú ÃóÌúáö Ðóٰáößó ßóÊóÈúäóÇ Úóáóìٰ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó Ãóäøóåõ ãóäú ÞóÊóáó äóÝúÓðÇ ÈöÛóíúÑö äóÝúÓò Ãóæú ÝóÓóÇÏò Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÝóßóÃóäøóãóÇ ÞóÊóáó ÇáäøóÇÓó ÌóãöíÚðÇ"  (ÇáúãóÇÆöÏóÉõ ¡ 5: 32).

"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).

"Åöäú ÃóÍúÓóäÊõãú ÃóÍúÓóäÊõãú áöÃóäÝõÓößõãú ۖ æóÅöäú ÃóÓóÃúÊõãú ÝóáóåóÇ ۚ " (ÇáÅÓúÑóÇÁõ ¡ 17: 7). 

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).

"If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, (you do it) to yourselves" (Al-Isra, 17: 7). 


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus, peace be upon him, started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

This is a necessary brief background to understand the US-Backed Zionist Israeli continuous wars against the Arab nation generally, and the Palestinian people in particular, which included the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, the brutal crushing of the two Uprisings (1987-1993 and 2000-2004), 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and the current genocidal war on Gaza (Since October 7, 2023), which has culminated a blockade of Gaza since 2007. In addition, the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime launched so many covert operations, raids, and air strikes on many Arab states since 1948.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic names as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the
land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.

Click here for more about using the apostrophe and the underlining of letters in the transliteration of Arabic names.



Yemen stages million-man marches in solidarity with Gaza

By Al Mayadeen English Source: Agencies

17 May 2024 --

Crowds renewed their demands for escalating the Yemeni armed forces' operations against the US and the Israeli regime until the genocide on the people of Gaza is stopped.

In a display of solidarity with Gaza and in support of the fourth stage of escalation launched by the Yemeni Resistance, Yemeni citizens staged a million-man protest on Friday in the heart of Yemen's capital city San'aa, and in several other provinces.

Under the slogan "With Gaza: a holy struggle with no limits", San'aa's Al-Sabeen Square along with dozens of other squares in the provinces of Sa'da, Raymah, Marib, Hudaydah, Dhamar, Ibb, Amran, Taiz, Hajjah, Al-Bayda, Al-Jawf, Al-Mahwit, Al-Bayda, Al-Dhale, Lahj, and Al-Mahwit have all witnessed massive crowds.

Crowds renewed their demands for escalating the Yemeni armed forces' operations against the US and the Israeli regime until the genocide on the people of Gaza is stopped.

Demonstrators saluted the fighters of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and all of occupied Palestine and expressed support for the fronts in Lebanon and Iraq, as well as operations led by the Yemeni armed forces in their fourth stage of escalation against the Zionist regime which have reached the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Indian Ocean to the south.

They affirmed their continued mobilization and readiness with determination and resolve, and their commitment to continuing marches, activities, and various initiatives until victory.

They further expressed pride for the leader of the Yemeni Resistance, Al-Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-'Houthi and reaffirmed their full readiness to execute any directives from him.


Spain bans ships carrying weapons for Israel from docking in its ports

Friday 17-May-2024


Spanish Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Albares, announced on Friday that his country will not allow ships carrying weapons to Israel to dock in its ports, after Spain denied a ship to dock at Cartagena port southeast Spain.

Albares pointed out that the ship was the first to be denied stopover at Spanish ports, noting that this is consistent with the government’s decision not to grant licenses for exporting weapons to Israel since October 7, because Spain “does not want to contribute to the war.”

For his part, the Spanish Minister of Transport, Oscar Puente, announced that Marian Danica ship was carrying a shipment of weapons for Israel, and had requested permission to stop at the port of Cartagena, on May 21, but Spain refused.

El Pais newspaper reported that the ship was carrying approximately 27 tons of explosives.

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the European Union, Josep Borrell, announced in an interview with Spanish radio “RNE” that Spain will recognize the State of Palestine on May 21, quoting the Spanish Foreign Minister.

The European official confirmed that European countries such as Malta, Ireland and Slovenia are on their way to recognizing the State of Palestine, noting that these countries announced in a joint statement on March 22 that they agreed to take the first steps towards recognizing a Palestinian state.


Three martyrs in Israeli aerial raids on Lebanon

Friday 17-May-2024


Three citizens were martyred and a number of others were injured in Israeli air raids on southern Lebanon on Friday.

A medical source said that a Lebanese citizen was killed and two others injured in an Israeli airstrike in Najariya village in Sidon.

The national Lebanese news agency said that two Syrians were wounded in the same raid, describing their condition as “critical”.

Israeli warplanes also targeted a factory killing two Syrians and wounding two others in addition to a number of missing civilians.

The news agency noted that Israeli artillery fired a number of shells on 'Aita Al-Sha'b village in southern Lebanon. 


UNRWA: Over 630,000 Palestinians subjected to forced displacement from Rafa'h

Friday 17-May-2024


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said that more than 630,000 Palestinians have been forced to flee Rafa'h in the southern Gaza Strip, since the start of the Israeli ground invasion on the city.

The UN agency called, in a post on X on Friday, for an immediate ceasefire, affirming that “the residents of Gaza are being subjected to forced displacement”, adding that “many have taken refuge in the city of Dair El-Bala'h in central Gaza, which has become overcrowded with displaced people struggling to live under miserable conditions.”

For 224 days in a row, the Israeli occupation army has been waging its aggression against the Gaza Strip, with US and European support, killing 35,303 people and injuring 79,261 others, in addition to the displacement of about 1.7 million people in the Strip, according to United Nations data. 


WHO says no medical supplies received in Gaza for 10 days

GENEVA, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

The World Health Organization said today that it has received no medical supplies in the Gaza Strip for 10 days as Israel goes ahead with its genocidal onslaught on the enclave.

Israel's closure of the Rafa'h crossing into Gaza has caused "a difficult situation", WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said. "The last medical supplies that we got in Gaza was before May 6."

Israeli occupation forces embarked on an invasion of the city of Rafah on May 7 to extend their offensive on the besieged territory, closing the Rafa'h border crossing into Egypt that is crucial for humanitarian supplies.

With UN agencies warning of a growing risk of famine in Gaza, the Karm Abu Salim and Bait 'Hanoun crossings from Israel are also shut down.

Jasarevic said the biggest concern was over fuel needed to keep clinics and hospitals running. Gaza's health facilities need up to 1.8 million liters of fuel a month to keep operating.

The spokesman said only 159,000 liters had entered Rafa'h since the border closure. "This is clearly not sufficient," he added, highlighting how only 13 out of 36 hospitals across the Palestinian territory were now "partially" operating.

"Hospitals still functioning are running out of fuel, and that puts so many lives at danger," said Jasarevic. "Current military operations in Rafah are putting countless lives at risk."




Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

On May17, 2024, Dr. Ashraf Al-Qidra, the Spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment on Gaza Strip resulted in 4 massacres, which resulted in the killing of 31 Palestinian civilians, and the injury of 56 others, in the past 24 hours. This increased the accounted for death toll in Gaza Strip to 35,303 and the injuries to 79,261, since the start of the Israeli genocidal war on October 7, 2023.   


35,303 Palestinians killed, 80,000 wounded by the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip

Friday 17-May-2024


The Israeli occupation army committed four new massacres in different areas of the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, killing at least 31 civilians and injuring 56 others, according to the Ministry of Health on Friday.

The Ministry announced in its daily update that the toll of the aggression has risen to 35,303 martyrs and 79,261 injuries since October 7 last year.

“A number of victims are still under the debris and on the roads, as ambulance and civil defense crews have been prevented by Israeli occupation forces from reaching them,” the Ministry added.

Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli occupation forces have been waging a devastating genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, resulting in tens of thousands of martyrs, wounded and missing, in addition to the displacement of two million people and a massive destruction of homes and infrastructure that affected more than 70% of the buildings, amid a suffocating siege, a stifling humanitarian crisis, and unprecedented famine, especially in northern Gaza. 


US-backed Israeli genocidal war on Gaza enters Day 224

Friday 17-May-2024


As the US-backed Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip entered day 224 on Friday, aerial and artillery strikes continued to pound and target different areas and massacre more civilians, especially in Rafa'h.

Reporters for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) said that the Israeli occupation army continued to bomb homes in different areas of Gaza during the past 24 hours.

The Israeli forces continued their ground incursions and attacks in Rafa'h, Jabalya, and other areas of the northern Gaza Strip.

Artillery shells were intensively fired at the Al-Falouja area, west of Jabalya Camp, and the vicinity of Kamal 'Udwan Hospital in Bait Lahya, north of the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes launched bloody airstrikes on the Al-Qasaib neighborhood in the Jabalya refugee camp, north of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli war boats also opened fire on the coast of Rafa'h City, south of the Strip.

Dozens of martyrs were reportedly seen in the streets of Jabalya camp, while six martyrs were pulled out after an Israeli airstrike targeted a residential house in Jabalya Al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip.

Several casualties were also reported in an Israeli air attack on the 'Hamad family house in the vicinity of Zo'rob roundabout in Rafa'h.

The Israeli warplanes also launched a series of airstrikes on Rafa'h City, Jabalya town, and Al-Nusayrat refugee camp.

At least four people were killed in an airstrike on Al-Ja'ouni School in Al-Nusayrat refugee camp.

Similar attacks targeted the “Al-Talbani” family house in Al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City.


An Israeli genocidal airstrike claims lives of three civilians in Jabalya

GAZA, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

Three Palestinian civilians were killed this afternoon in an Israeli airstrike on the town of Jabalya in northern Gaza, according to local sources.

WAFA correspondent reported that three civilians were killed and several others were injured when Israeli warplanes targeted a group of civilians in Jabalya, located in the northern Gaza Strip.

Earlier today, local health authorities in Gaza announced that the number of people killed since the start of the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip on October 7th, 2023, has surged to 35,303, with an additional 79,261 others wounded.



Casualties in multiple areas of Gaza in the ongoing Israeli genocidal war

GAZA, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

At least three Palestinians were killed and several others injured this afternoon in an Israeli airstrike targeting Al-Buraij refugee camp in central Gaza and the city of Rafah in the south.

According to WAFA correspondent, Israeli occupation forces shelled the area surrounding Shuhada Square in Al-Buraij, resulting in the murder of one person and injuries to others.

Simultaneously, two more people were killed and several injured in an Israeli strike targeting central Rafa'h in the south of the enclave.

Earlier in the day, civil defense teams recovered the bodies of six civilians and several injured individuals following an Israeli air raid on a house in Jabalya town in northern Gaza.

In the meantime, WAFA correspondent reported that Israeli warplanes heavily fired on various locations in Jabalya refugee camp, with Israeli artillery shelling homes near Kamal 'Udwan Hospital. Israeli forces also fired intensively around Al-Houja Street in the camp.

The Israeli occupation forces' artillery also targeted areas in the neighborhoods of al-Tuwam, Safatwi, and Al-Qasaseeb in northern Gaza, while naval forces fired at the coast of Rafa'h.

In southern Gaza, a medical source at Kuwait Specialized Hospital in Rafah confirmed injuries from an Israeli airstrike on a home belonging to 'Hamad family near Zo'rob Square in Rafa'h.  

Also in Rafa'h, Israeli military vehicles carried out extensive demolitions and excavations, destroying homes and residential blocks in the eastern areas of the city.

Meanwhile, an Israeli warplane targeted a home belonging to Tilbani family in Al-Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City, resulting in the murder of three people and injuries to others.

In a related development, Israeli occupation forces stationed near the entrance of Bait 'Hanoun town in northern Gaza continue to besiege displaced families sheltering in schools, preventing anyone from leaving.

According to local health authorities, the number of people killed since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7th, 2023, has surged to 35,303. Some 79,261 others have been wounded.



Four killed, others injured in Israeli airstrikes on Al-Nusayrat

GAZA, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

Four Palestinians were killed and others injured in Israeli airstrikes on Al-Nusayrat refugee camp in the central blockaded Gaza Strip.

Israeli warplanes targeted Al-Ja'ouni School, which has been sheltering displaced persons, in the camp, killing four and injuring others.

On Thursday night through early Friday, the Israeli occupation launched a series of airstrikes across central, northern, and southern war-torn Strip, while simultaneously shelling several Gazan areas.

An Israeli raid targeted a Palestinian house located in the Al-Shati refugee camp in western Gaza and other raids targeted central Gaza city.

Earlier, a Palestinian young man was killed while two others were injured in the Israeli bombardment of the al-Awda roundabout in central Rafah. This came as Israeli artillery shelling targeted the eastern area of the city.

A number of Palestinians were also injured in intense Israeli raids targeting Jabalya, where residential squares were deliberately attacked, and artillery shelling across the northern Strip.

Medical sources said that the bodies of nine Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes and bombardment arrived at the European Gaza Hospital near Khan Younus.

Meanwhile, at least two others were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a gathering of displaced people. This came as Israeli fighter jets targeted the 'Asqoula area in Gaza and two houses; one in front of Kuwait Hospital in Rafa'h and the other in Al-Junainah neighborhood

Tried before the International Court of Justice for genocide against Palestinians, Israel has been waging a devastating war on Gaza since October 7, killing at least 35,272 Palestinians and injuring over 79,205 others.

Moreover, at least 7,000 people are unaccounted for, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

The Israeli aggression has also resulted in the forceful displacement of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the displaced forced into the densely crowded southern city of Rafa'h near the border with Egypt – in what has become Palestine’s largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba.




Killing, Injuring, and Abduction of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces 


Israeli genocidal airstrike kills one, injures several others in the Jineen refugee camp

Jineen, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) -

At least one Palestinian was killed and several others injured tonight in an Israeli genocidal airstrike targeting a house in Jineen refugee camp, north of the occupied West Bank.

The Ministry of Health said one Palestinian was killed in the attack, while several others sustained injuries of varying degrees. 

The casualties were swiftly transported to Ibn Seena Hospital and the Jenin Governmental Hospital for urgent medical attention.

Wisam Bakr, the director of the Jineen Governmental Hospital, identified the young man killed as Islam Khamaysah.

Medical sources also confirmed that among the injuries were a young girl, who sustained moderate injuries from fragments resulting from the Israeli airstrike and the ensuring massive explosion.

The Israeli airstrike also destroyed the targeted house, leveling it to the ground, and caused damage to neighboring homes, properties, and infrastructure.



IOFs kill a Palestinian young man in Toulkarm

Friday 17-May-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOFs) shot and killed, late Thursday, a Palestinian young man after breaking into Bal’a and 'Anabta towns, east of Toulkarm.

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the martyr as Kareem Ra-iq Abdul Ra-ouf Ameer, 23, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli gunfire during the raid.

He was then transferred to the Martyr Thabit Thabit Hospital in Toulkarm, where he was proclaimed dead.

Local sources reported that the IOFs troops stormed Bal’a town and raided several neighborhoods, which led to the outbreak of violent confrontations amid heavy firing of live ammunition.

The IOFs also stormed 'Anabta from its eastern entrance amid heavy gunfire, which led to the outbreak of clashes.

A 16-year-old teen was injured in the thigh during the raid.

Meanwhile, a young man was shot by IOFs gunfire at the entrance to the Jalazoan refugee camp, north of Ramallah.

The teen was riding his bike when Israeli soldiers opened fire at him, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes in the camp.


Palestinian child shot, injured by Israeli occupation forces in Bait Ummar

Al-Khaleel (Hebron), Saturday, May 18, 2024 (WAFA) -

A Palestinian child was shot and injured by Israeli occupation forces tonight during their incursion into the town of Bait Ummar, north of Al-Khaleel (Hebron), according to local sources.

The sources reported that the occupation forces stormed the town of Bait Ummar, sparking confrontations with local residents. 

The forces fired live ammunition and tear gas towards the citizens, resulting in a child being shot in the leg. His wounds were described as serious.



Palestinian young man Hanani succumbs to serious IOFs-inflicted injury

Friday 17-May-2024


The Palestinian young man Layth Nadeem 'Hanani succumbed on Friday to his wounds inflicted by Israeli occupation forces (IOFs) in the town of Bait Foureek, east of Nablus, 11 days ago.

Medical sources at the Naja'h National University Hospital in Nablus announced the martyrdom of the young man Layth 'Hanani, 20 years old, as a result of the injuries he sustained during previous confrontations with the IOFs in Bait Foureek.

The Ministry of Health explained that the young man 'Hanani was martyred as a result of critical injuries he sustained by IOF gunfire in the main artery of his thigh, about two weeks ago.

Local sources indicated that 'Hanani was injured during clashes that erupted following the incursion of IOF soldiers into the town of Bait Foureek on May 6th, and he received treatment at Al-Naja'h Hospital before his martyrdom was announced this afternoon. 


IOFs launch large-scale raid, kidnapping campaign across the West Bank

Friday 17-May-2024


Israeli occupation forces (IOFs) launched at dawn Friday a large-scale raid and kidnapping campaign in various areas of the West Bank, storming many homes and carrying out arrest operations amid clashes and confrontations, resulting in one martyr and several injuries.

The IOFs raided the West Bank cities of Toulkar, Nablus, Qalqilya, and Ramallah, and broke into neighborhoods and homes, shooting, assaulting and kidnapping Palestinian civilians.

In Toulkarm, a young man was martyred and two citizens, one of them was a minor, were injured last night, during confrontations with the IOF after they had stormed the towns of Bala’a and Anabta, east of the city.

In Nablus, a number of civilians were shot and injured at dawn Friday by rubber-coated metal bullets, while another man was kidnapped during confrontations as Israeli soldiers were storming the eastern part of the city.

Local sources reported that IOFs fired live and metal bullets, tear gas and stun grenades on residents, resulting in the injury of a citizen with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the head.

The sources added that Israeli soldiers raided a house in the old 'Askar refugee camp and wreaked havoc inside it before arresting a young man.

In Qalqilya, another young man was injured by Israeli bullets in an IOFs raid on the city. The IOFs broke into several neighborhoods, and shot a young man riding a bicycle, local sources reported. The IOFs obstructed the work of ambulance crews, destroyed the monument of the martyr Ma'hmoud Hilal in Al-Shaymaa roundabout in the center of the city, and deployed their snipers in Kafr Saba neighborhood, the sources added.

In Ramallah, a group of illegal Israeli fanatic settlers burned a Palestinian truck east of the city and assaulted its driver, leaving him with mild injury.

Israeli media, however, claimed that the settlers carried out the attack to prevent aid delivery to the Gaza Strip, assuming that the truck was loaded with aid and heading to Gaza. 


Israeli occupation forces injure three Palestinians, detain three others in West Bank raids

RAMALLAH, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

 Israeli occupation forces Thursday night and predawn Friday injured three Palestinians and detained three others in various parts of the occupied West Bank, according to local and security sources.

They said that the heavily armed soldiers opened fire towards a Palestinian man driving a motorcycle at the entrance of the Jalazoan refugee camp, north of Ramallah, wounding him in the foot.

The soldiers confiscated the motorcycle of the man, whose condition was described as moderate.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers directly opened fire at a man riding a motorcycle in the northern West Bank city of Qalqilya, wounding him.

The soldiers prevented paramedics from approaching the scene. No further information on the fate of the man was available.

In the meantime, the sources confirmed a similar raid in old and new 'Askar refugee camps in Nablus, where the soldiers unleashed barrages of gunfire towards local youth protestors, wounding one by a rubber-coated steel bullet in the head.

The soldiers showed up at a house in the old 'Askar refugee camp, muscled inside, conducted a thorough search and eventually detained an occupant.

They conducted a raid in the village of Duma, south of Nablus, where they rounded up two villagers and ransacked several houses, turning them upside down.

The occupation forces frequently raid Palestinian houses almost daily across the West Bank on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians, triggering clashes with residents.

These raids are conducted with no need for a search warrant, whenever and wherever the military chooses in keeping with its sweeping arbitrary powers.

Under Israeli military law army commanders have full executive, legislative and judicial authority over 3 million Palestinians living in the West Bank. Palestinians have no say in how this authority is exercised.

According to the latest figures from Al-Dhameer, the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, there are currently 9,300 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centres, including 250 child prisoners and 78 female prisoners.

This number includes approximately 3,424 Palestinians placed under “administrative detention”, which allows the detention of Palestinians without charge or trial for renewable intervals ranging between three and six months based on undisclosed evidence that even a detainee’s lawyer is barred from viewing.

The mass arrest of Palestinians is nothing new. According to a 2017 report by Al-Dhameer, over the past 50 years, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned or detained by Israel, this figure is now believed to be closer to 1 million. This means that about 40% of Palestinian men and boys living under military occupation have been deprived of their freedom. Almost every Palestinian family has suffered the imprisonment of a loved one.



Aggression and Attacks by Illegal Israeli Settlers and Soldiers


Armed illegal Israeli settlers attack and rob shepherd south of Al-Khaleel (Hebron)

Al-Khaleel (Hebron), Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

Armed illegal Israeli settlers assaulted a Palestinian shepherd and stole several of his sheep in the region of Masafir Yatta, located south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

The sources reported that a group of the illegal Israeli armed settlers attacked shepherds in the Huraiba Al-Nabi area in Masafir Yatta. The attack resulted in injuries to the shephderd, Sulayman Yousuf Abu Sab'ha, who suffered bruises, in addition to the destruction of his mobile phone. The colonists also stole two sheep belonging to him.

Meantime, illegal settlers from the Israeli illegal settlement of Susiya attacked several farmers from the Shatat family, attempting to prevent them from harvesting their agricultural crops of wheat and barley in the El-Zaweh area of Masafir Yatta.



Occupation forces storm Al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khaleel (Hebron), prevent Maghrib prayer

Al-Khaleel (Hebron), Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

Israeli occupation forces stormed the Ibrahimi Mosque this evening in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron, preventing the Maghrib prayer from taking place.

Ghassan Al-Rajabi, the director-general of Al-Khaleel (Hebron) Waqf Department, informed WAFA that Israeli occupation forces raided Al-Ibrahimi Mosque, forcing employees and worshipers to leave and prohibiting them from performing the Maghrib prayer.

The soldiers forced the worshipers outside the mosque to secure the incursion by a senior official in the Israeli occupation army, Al-Rajabi added.

He clarified that the incursion occurred despite the decision of the so-called Shamgar Commission, formed following the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre  in February 1994. The committee divided the mosque temporally and spatially, prohibiting Israeli soldiers and settlers from entering certain parts of the mosque on Fridays.



 Illegal Israeli settlers a Palestinian house south of Bait La'hm (Bethlehem)

Bait La'hm (Bethlehem), Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

This afternoon, a group of illegal Israeli settlers besieged a house in the Palestinian village of Bayt Sakarya, located south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

Mu'hammad Ibrahim, the mayor of the Bayt Sakarya village, reported that dozens of colonists encircled the home of Nadi Abu Sawi, a resident of the village. The colonists attempted to force Abu Sawi out of his home but were eventually confronted by locals and compelled to retreat, added the mayor.

Ibrahim added that colonist attacks have intensified since October 7 of last year, with local Palestinian residents unable to access their land to tend to their grapevines.

Additionally, he continued, there have been increasing incidents of homes being attacked and pelted with stones by illegal Israeli settler militias.



Illegal Israeli settlers attack a village east of Bait La'hm (Bethlehem)

Bait La'hm (Bethlehem), Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

Illegal Israeli settler militias embarked on an attack this afternoon targeting the village of Kisan, located east of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

The sources reported that dozens of colonists, under the protection of Israeli forces, stormed the western part of the village. They blocked the main road, chanted racist slogans including "death to Arabs and Palestinians," and raised Israeli flags on the wall surrounding the village council headquarters.

The residents of the village remained in their homes, fearing further attacks by the settlers, who were preventing movement of vehicles on the main road leading to the village during the attack.



Illegal Israeli settlers assault truck driver, torch his truck east of Ramallah

RAMALLAH, Friday, May 17, 2024 (WAFA) –

Illegal Israeli settlers Thursday night assaulted a Palestinian truck driver and torched his vehicle to the east of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, according to local sources.

They said that dozens of colonists from the Israeli colony of Kochav Ha’shachar, east of Ramallah, intercepted a Palestinian truck driver and attacked him before setting the truck on fire.

The driver was moderately injured.

Israeli media sources claimed that the mob of colonists attacked the driver after they suspected that he was carrying humanitarian aid to the blockaded war-torn Gaza Strip.

An illegal settler mob blocked and vandalized over 25 trucks on Thursday and Wednesday, assuming that they were delivering desperately needed humanitarian aid meant for the starving population of Gaza

Video footages that have gone viral on social media show Israeli colonists throwing boxes of much-needed supplies on the ground and setting at least a truck ablaze.



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