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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

On Day 238 of the US-Backed Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Strip, 5 Massacres, 60 Palestinians Killed, 280 Injured, with a Death Toll of  36,284 and 82,057 Injuries

May 31, 2024 


Editor's Notes:  

Here are some initial (not final) statistics, which show the Israeli war crimes against humanity, during the current Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip:  

By May 31, 2024, the initial death toll of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip is 43,284+.   

This includes the accounted for deaths (36,284) and those who are still missing under the rubble (Corrected on April 18, 2024: 7,000+). 

By May 31, 2024, the documented injuries exceeded 82,057 and more than 2,520 civilians have been abducted from Gaza Strip. 70% of deaths were for children and women.

By May 31, 2024, 522 Palestinians who were killed, 4,397 who were injured, and 8,962 (corrected on May 27, 2024), who were abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, since October 7, 2023 (Some of the detainees have been released).

By May 21, 2023, the Palestinian death toll in Gaza included 15,000+ children (43%).

By March 4, 2023, the death toll also included 13,420+ children, 8,900+ women (more than 72.8% of the accounted for victims), 364 doctors and medical staff, 132 journalists, and 48 civil defense workers. 

By May 25, 2024, the Government Media Office (GMO) said that the Israeli occupation forces killed 493 health personnel and kidnapped 310 others of them.

By January 17, 2024, about 661 detainees from Gaza are currently languishing in Israeli prisons as illegitimate combatants(the Israeli term for Palestinian fighters) in addition to more than 50 women from Gaza, who are detained in the Damon prison, noting that 8 women of whom have been recently released.

By March 4, 2024, the Government Media Office (GMO) said that the Israeli occupation forces killed 493 health personnel and kidnapped 310 others of them (May 25, 2024), destroyed 155 health institutions, 32 hospitals, 53 health centers, 126 ambulances, displaced 1.9 million Palestinians, and destroyed 360,000 housing units, about and 60% of the buildings and infrastructure in Gaza Strip.



GMO reveals latest statistics on Israeli genocidal war on Gaza

Saturday 3-February-2024, GAZA, (PIC)

The Palestinian Government Media Office (GMO) in the Gaza Strip revealed on Saturday the latest and most significant figures on the Israeli ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip since October 7.

This announcement comes as the latest updates from the GMO, showing the scale of human and material damage that resulted from the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, on its 120th day.

The statistics demonstrated latest updates on the numbers of martyrs, missing, and wounded people in addition to the sick, displaced and prisoners as well as numbers of damaged structures and infrastructure.

Below are figures released by the GMO about Israel’s violations over the period of 120 days since the start of its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

(2,325) Massacres (34,238) Martyrs and missing people. (27,238) Martyrs who arrived in hospitals. (12,000) Child martyrs. (8,190) Female martyrs. (339) Martyrs of medical staff. (46) Civil defense martyrs. (122) Journalist martyrs. (7,000) Missing, 70% of whom are children and women. (66,452) Wounded.

(11,000) Wounded people in need of travel abroad for treatment, (life-saving and critical cases). (10,000) Cancer patients facing the risk of death. (700,000) Wounded with infectious diseases as a result of displacement. (8,000) Cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement. (60,000) Pregnant women at risk due to the lack of health care. (350,000) Chronic patients at risk due to blocked medications.

(99) Cases of arrest among health personnel. (10) Cases of arrests among identified journalists. (2 million) Displaced people in the Gaza Strip.

(140) Government headquarters destroyed. (100) Completely destroyed schools and universities. (295) Partially destroyed schools and universities. (183) Completely destroyed mosques. (264) Partially destroyed mosques. (3) Destroyed Churches.

(79,200) Completely destroyed housing units. (290,000) Partially destroyed and uninhabitable housing units. (66,000) tons of explosives dropped on Gaza. (30) Hospitals knocked out of service. (53) Health centers knocked out of service. (150) Partially targeted Health institutions. (122) Destroyed ambulances. (200) Destroyed archaeological and heritage sites.


60 Palestinian civilians were killed, 280 were injured in 5 Israeli genocidal massacres, in Gaza Strip, on May 31, 2024 Displaced Palestinians retuning to northern Gaza Strip, to find that Israeli occupation forces have destroyed their homes and infrastructure, May 31,
16 Yemeni civilian martyrs, 35 wounded by US-UK air raids on Al-'Hudayidah and San'aa, May 31, 2024 pic 2 Lebanese people killed, one injured by Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanon village of 'Hoala, May 30, 2024
Belongings of a Palestinian family on a tricycle, fleeing the Israeli genocidal bombardment on Rafa'h city to Al-Mawasi, northwest of the city, on May 31, 2024

Palestinians returning to their totally destroyed neighborhood, after the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from northern Gaza Strip, May 31, 2024 r

70 bodies of Palestinian martyrs, including 20 children, who were massacred by the Israeli occupation forces, were retrieved from under the rubble of the Jabalya residential neighborhoods, on May 31, 2024 Three Palestinian martyrs were massacred by an Israeli genocidal air strike on   their car, in Al-Nusayrat, May 31, 2024 (or June 1, 2024).

ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóÜٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

"ãöäú ÃóÌúáö Ðóٰáößó ßóÊóÈúäóÇ Úóáóìٰ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó Ãóäøóåõ ãóäú ÞóÊóáó äóÝúÓðÇ ÈöÛóíúÑö äóÝúÓò Ãóæú ÝóÓóÇÏò Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÝóßóÃóäøóãóÇ ÞóÊóáó ÇáäøóÇÓó ÌóãöíÚðÇ"  (ÇáúãóÇÆöÏóÉõ ¡ 5: 32).

"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).

"Åöäú ÃóÍúÓóäÊõãú ÃóÍúÓóäÊõãú áöÃóäÝõÓößõãú ۖ æóÅöäú ÃóÓóÃúÊõãú ÝóáóåóÇ ۚ " (ÇáÅÓúÑóÇÁõ ¡ 17: 7). 

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).

"If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, (you do it) to yourselves" (Al-Isra, 17: 7). 


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus, peace be upon him, started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

This is a necessary brief background to understand the US-Backed Zionist Israeli continuous wars against the Arab nation generally, and the Palestinian people in particular, which included the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, the brutal crushing of the two Uprisings (1987-1993 and 2000-2004), 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and the current genocidal war on Gaza (Since October 7, 2023), which has culminated a blockade of Gaza since 2007. In addition, the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime launched so many covert operations, raids, and air strikes on many Arab states since 1948.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic names as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the
land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.

Click here for more about using the apostrophe and the underlining of letters in the transliteration of Arabic names.



'Hamas welcomes Slovenia’s recognition of the State of Palestine

Friday 31-May-2024


The Islamic Resistance Movement, 'Hamas, has welcomed the Slovenian government’s declaration of recognizing the State of Palestine on Thursday.

'Hamas said in a press statement on Friday that the decision supports “our people’s aspirations in liberation and independence and in ending the Zionist occupation of our lands and holy shrines.”

The Movement called on other world countries to follow suit and to adopt more decisions in support of the Palestinian people’s legitimate struggle.

It asked the international community to adopt measures to isolate the “rogue Zionist entity”, which is launching a war of extermination against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.


'Hamas informs mediators of readiness to reach ‘full agreement’ with Israel

Friday 31-May-2024


“We informed the mediators today of our clear position that if the occupation stops its war and aggression against our people in Gaza, we are ready to reach a full agreement that includes a comprehensive exchange deal,” the 'Hamas Movement declared in a statement published on its Telegram channel on Thursday.

“We showed flexibility and positivity with the efforts of the mediators over the previous rounds of negotiations, leading to the announcement of the approval of the mediators’ proposal on May 6,” the statement continued, referring to when, earlier this month, Hamas announced that it had agreed to a ceasefire proposal put forward by the mediators: Qatar and Egypt.

Israel promptly rejected this advance from Hamas. Then on May 7, Israel began its long-feared offensive on the southern Gaza City of Rafa'h.

Israel “responded to our positive position by invading the city of Rafa'h and occupying the crossing, and provided remarks leading to the disruption of the mediators’ efforts,” 'Hamas added in its statement.


Haniyya: The resistance is adamant on ending the Israeli aggression and protect the Palestinian people

Friday 31-May-2024


The head of the 'Hamas political bureau, Isma'eel Haniyya, affirmed that the resistance has informed the mediators that its firm principles are non-negotiable in stopping the Israeli aggression, the complete withdrawal of the occupation army from the Gaza Strip, lifting the siege, rebuilding, and achieving an honorable prisoner exchange deal.

Haniyya in his speech at the Arab National Conference held in Beirut on Friday said, “Our people will not accept an alternative to the resistance,” and those who wish for the defeat of the resistance will be disappointed.

He stressed that the resistance will not be deceived by the occupation’s maneuvers during the negotiations.

The Palestinian leader pointed out that Israel failed to achieve the goals of displacement, the elimination of the resistance, and the forcible recovery of its prisoners, “thanks to the courageous resistance of our people in addition to the unity of the resistance arenas and fronts.”

He stressed that the post-October 7th phase differs from what came before, because the Al-Aqsa Flood dealt a blow to the strategic value of the “Zionist entity” and deprived it of the deterrence advantage, and it is now losing global public opinion “after the failure of its intellectual terrorism called anti-Semitism in the face of the popular tide supporting the Palestinian cause.”

The 'Hamas leader said that Beirut is a haven for the Palestinian cause and the resistance, and that it stands today in support of Gaza and its people, with groups of the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, led by 'Hizbullah, engaging in the struggle.

He added that the axis of resistance is strongly and steadfastly interacting in the Al-Aqsa flood, which has become the real option for safeguarding rights, reclaiming land, and protecting the holy sites.

Haniyya pointed out that “Al-Aqsa Flood has brought out the best of our people’s energies, enabling them to achieve legendary steadfastness despite the ongoing massacres.”

He affirmed that the Al-Aqsa flood has raised the Palestinian cause to an unprecedented global level and opened the door to recognizing the Palestinians’ right to their state on their land and soil, after the failure of all political efforts, which resulted in massive losses at the level of the cause.

He opined that Al-Aqsa Flood is a strategic correction and a herald of the great transformations “that will serve the interests of our people and our nation.”

He addressed a message to those who speak of the day after the battle, telling them that they were harbingering illusions, calling for the investment of the Palestinian sacrifices to implement the project of liberation and return, which requires Palestinian national unity based on the following three pillars:

1. Forming a unified national leadership within the Palestine Liberation Organization.

2. Forming a national consensus government in the West Bank and Gaza.

3. Holding general and comprehensive legislative, presidential, and Palestinian National Council elections.

The 'Hamas leader stressed that investing in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood requires an Arab position and a collective movement to revive “the Arab front in the face of the Zionist enemy, and to embrace, support, and participate in the Palestinian people’s resistance and confront the normalization that aims to integrate the Zionist entity into the region.”


16 Yemeni civilian martyrs, 35 wounded in US-UK air raids on Al-Hudayidah and San'aa

Friday 31-May-2024


The death toll as a result of the joint US-UK aggression against the radio and the port of Salif in Al-'Hudayidah Governorate in Yemen has risen to more than 44 martyrs and wounded.

The Yemeni Health Office in Al-'Hudayidah reported that 16 civilians were martyred and 35 wounded as a result of the US -UK airstrikes on the governorate over last night.

A'hmed Al-Bishri, First Undersecretary of Al-'Hudayidah Governorate, explained in a statement to Al-Masirah TV on Friday morning that the toll of the aggression on Al-'Hudayidah had risen to 16 martyrs and more than 35 wounded, some of them with serious injuries, in the targeting of Al-Hudayidah Radio building and a number of civilian buildings in the port of Al-Salif.

Two Yemenis were martyred and others were injured at dawn Friday in US-UK raids on Al-'Hudayidah Governorate in western Yemen, as part of an aggression that targeted several areas, including the capital, San'aa.

The Yemeni Al-Masirah satellite channel revealed in a post on X that there were two martyrs and 10 wounded in the “US-UK attack targeting the radio building in Al-Hawk District” in the city of Al-'Hudayidah, in addition to 6 raids on Sa'naa.

Meanwhile, the US Central Military Command (CENTCOM) said that the US, alongside the UK forces, carried out airstrikes against 13 'Houthi targets.

On January 12, the White House issued a joint statement with 10 countries announcing that, in response to the Ansar Allah group’s attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea, the US and UK armed forces carried out joint attacks against targets in areas controlled by the group in Yemen.


2 Lebanese people killed, one injured by Israeli airstrikes on southern Lebanon village of 'Hoala

Friday 31-May-2024


Two Lebanese people were killed and another was injured on Thursday by Israeli genocidal airstrikes on Lebanon’s southern village of 'Hoaa.

Lebanese media sources said that an Israeli airstrike targeted the western neighborhood of the village of 'Hoala in southeast Lebanon, killing two people while wounding another.

The sources pointed out that more victims are still missing under the rubble of the building.

Tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border escalated on Oct. 8, 2023, following a barrage of rockets launched by 'Hizbullah and Palestinian resistance factions toward Israeli targets in response to the massive Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.


Ma'rouf: Israel is seeking to make Gaza unlivable, through massive destruction of buildings and infrastructure

Saturday 1-June-2024


The head of the Palestinian Government Media Office (PGMO) in Gaza, Salama Ma'rouf, said that the Israeli occupation army seeks to make the Gaza Strip an area unfit for living.

Ma'rouf added in a statement on Friday, “the footage of Jabalya refugee camp after the withdrawal of the Israeli occupation army show the ugliness of the Israeli atrocities and crimes committed in Jabalya refugee camp and the Bait Lahya project, and the size of the destruction and sabotage they caused to homes and public service facilities.”

The footage exposes the Israeli fascism, racism, and terrorism in a blatant violation of the most basic principles of humanity, moral values and international humanitarian laws, conventions and rulings especially those issued by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, he elaborated.

Ma'rouf added that “for the second time over 20 days, the Israeli occupation army wreaked sabotage and destruction in Jabalya camp, killing and wounding hundreds of people, forcibly displacing about 200 thousand citizens, destroying full residential blocks and squares, and burning and bombing public and service facilities.”

He pointed out that ambulance and civil defense crews have recovered dozens of martyrs following the army’s withdrawal, and have been continuing search operations for dozens of missing people under the rubble.

He strongly condemned the unjustified international failure to halt the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, holding Israel and its supporters, led by the US, Germany and the UK, fully responsible for the genocide in Gaza.

Ma'rouf called on the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court to pursue speedy procedures to ensure the cessation of the Israeli aggression and the accountability of its leaders as war criminals and perpetrators of crimes against humanity.

He concluded his statement by calling on countries and peoples to intensify their activism in various fields to pressure Israel and its partners to stop the war of genocide and ensure the flow of humanitarian and medical aid into the Strip. 


PGMO warns of worsening humanitarian crises, escalating famine and thirst in Gaza

Friday 31-May-2024


The Palestinian Government Media Office (PGMO) in Gaza warned on Friday of worsening food, water, and medicine crises and an escalating famine and thirst due to the Israeli occupation and the US administration’s prevention of aid and fuel from entering Gaza, holding them fully responsible for an imminent humanitarian catastrophe.

The PGMO said in a statement that the Israeli occupation army has been blocking all crossings and access points to Gaza for 24 days, with full support and approval from the US administration. This exacerbates food, water, and medicine crises, increasing the likelihood of a real famine in Gaza, which is facing a US-backed genocide.

It has been 24 days since the Israeli occupation army took over the Rafa'h land crossing and closed the Karm Abu Salim crossing, resulting in compounded humanitarian crises, preventing 22,000 injured and sick individuals from traveling for treatment abroad and blocking the entry of humanitarian aid and supplies for Gaza’s 2.4 million residents, more than 2 million of whom are displaced and rely primarily on aid. A quarter of a million breadwinners has lost their jobs due to the genocide, leading to no cash liquidity, which is clearly deepening the famine, the GMO added.

The Israeli occupation also prevents the entry of fuel, cooking gas, and medicine as part of a policy to pressure civilians, children, and women, constituting a crime against humanity. This has led to the shutdown of more than 98% of Gaza’s bakeries due to the lack of cooking gas and more than 700 water wells due to targeting and fuel blockade, further deepening famine and thirst among civilians, especially children and women.

The moral and humanitarian image of the US administration and the Israeli occupation has been shattered by the starvation, killing, genocide, and systematic destruction of residential areas, infrastructure, water, sewage, and electricity networks, and all aspects of life in Gaza. This appears to be a deliberate and premeditated plan by the Israelis and the Americans, in a manner that shames humanity.

The PGMO reiterated its condemnation of the ongoing US-backed Israeli crimes, genocide, and ongoing massacres against displaced civilians in shelter centers, the latest of which were in Jabalya and Rafa'h.

It holds the Israeli occupation, the US administration, and the countries involved in Gaza genocide fully responsible for the catastrophic outcomes of this ongoing war against the Palestinian people, which has resulted in over 130,000 victims, including martyrs, injured, missing, and forcibly disappeared detainees.

It also called on the International Criminal Court and all other international courts and free judges worldwide to pursue the Israeli and US war criminals responsible for the deaths of over 36,000 people in an unprecedented historical holocaust and to bring them to a fair trial as war criminals, imposing the harshest penalties for these heinous crimes.

The PGMO appealed to all free countries of the world and all international and UN organizations to pressure the Israeli occupation authorities and the US administration to stop the genocide and to open the Rafa'h land crossing and Karm Abu Salim crossing as well as all land crossings. This will allow thousands of injured and sick individuals to travel for treatment abroad and enable the entry of humanitarian, relief, and medical aid, as well as fuel and cooking gas.

The situation in Gaza is nearing a point of uncontrollability, leading to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. 


UNRWA: 32,000 people displaced from Rafa'h within 48 hours

Friday 31-May-2024


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) revealed that more than 32,000 people have been displaced from Rafa'h within the past 48 hours.

UNRWA said in a post on its “X” platform that “there is no safe place from the relentless Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip.”

The UN agency pointed out that “families in Rafa'h are searching for safety.”

Earlier on Thursday, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini said that “Israel’s allegations of agency staff involvement in the October 7th, 2023 attack made UN personnel legitimate targets.”

Lazzarini, as quoted by the New York Times, added that the ongoing war in Gaza has resulted in a blatant disregard for the UN’s mission, including attacks on its staff that have led to hundreds killed and injured.

He noted that the scale and scope of the recent attacks against UNRWA staff warrant the urgent establishment of an independent investigation committee.”

The Israeli occupation army has been waging aggression on the Gaza Strip since last October 7th, with American and European support, as its planes bombard the vicinity of hospitals, buildings, towers, and the homes of Palestinian civilians, destroying them over the heads of their inhabitants, and preventing the entry of water, food, medicine, and fuel.

The continued aggression of the occupation on Gaza has led to the martyrdom of 36,224 people, the injury of 81,777 others, and the displacement of about 1.7 million people from the Strip’s population, according to United Nations data. 


The UN’s World Food Program calls for opening all Gaza crossings

Friday 31-May-2024


The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) has called for opening all Gaza Strip crossings especially in the central and southern regions of the Strip.

The WFP said in a statement on Thursday that the Israeli incursion in Rafa'h, southern Gaza, has led to devastating repercussions on civilians and humanitarian efforts.

Agencies distributing humanitarian aid find it extremely difficult to access humanitarian aid through crossings, especially the Karm Abu Salim crossing, due to the war, blocked routes, unexploded ordnance, fuel shortage and Israeli restrictions on movement, it added.

The WFP asked the Israeli authorities to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance that passes through Karm Abu Salim crossing.

It pointed out that some commercial consignments for the private sector had entered Gaza but the people could not afford its high prices.

The WFP affirmed the importance of entry of more aid especially to the southern Gaza areas because people are in need of food diversification, water, and health care.

“We need a ceasefire in Gaza now,” the WFP underlined. 



Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

On May31, 2024, Dr. Ashraf Al-Qidra, the Spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment on Gaza Strip resulted in 5 massacres, which resulted in the killing of 60 Palestinian civilians, and the injury of 280 others, in the past 24 hours. This increased the accounted for death toll in Gaza Strip to 36,284 and the injuries to 82,057, since the start of the Israeli genocidal war on October 7, 2023.   


60 Palestinian martyrs in the past 24 hours in IOF attacks in Gaza

Friday 31-May-2024


Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed five massacres in Gaza Strip over the 24 hours that killed 60 Palestinians and injured 280 others, the Ministry of Health announced on Friday.

It added, in its daily statement on the death toll in the beleaguered enclave, that the number of victims of the ongoing IOF aggression has thus reached 36,284 martyrs and 82,057 injured.

The statement said that many other victims are still under the rubble of destroyed buildings or in roads but could not be retrieved due to the Israeli intense shelling and shooting.


US-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza enters day 238

Friday 31-May-2024


As the US-backed Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip entered day 238 on Friday, aerial and artillery strikes continued to pound and target different areas and massacre more civilians.

Reporters for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) said that the Israeli occupation army continued to bomb homes in different areas of Gaza during the past 24 hours, amid intensive attacks in Rafa'h and northern Gaza.

The Israeli forces also continued their ground invasion in several neighborhoods in Rafa'h amid aerial and artillery bombardments.

The Israeli warplanes targeted a car in Al-Nusayrat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

At dawn today, at least 8 people from the same family were killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Al-Sous family house in Al-Buraij camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Local sources reported that several people were injured during the attack, while many others are still missing under the rubble.

At least 4 other people were killed in an Israeli genocidal airstrike on Al-Huwwar family house in Al-Buraij refugee camp.

In a similar attack, a Palestinian was martyred and several others were injured north of Al-Nusayrat in the central Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, the Israeli aircraft launched violent fire belts over the northern Gaza Strip, causing a state of panic among local residents.

The Israeli artillery also bombed several neighborhoods in Rafa'h, amid intense airstrikes on residential homes east of the city. 


Israeli genocidal airstrike on Gaza house kills several Palestinians, injures others

GAZA, Friday, May 31, 2024 (WAFA) –

An Israeli genocidal army airstrike Friday night targeted a house in Al-Jalaa Street in central Gaza, killing several Palestinians and injuring others, according to WAFA correspondent.

He said that Israeli occupation fighter jets targeted a house, located close to Al-Ghafri junction in Al-Jalaa Street, in the city of Gaza, killing several people and injuring others.

Israeli fighter jets also conducted an airstrike that targeted the Gaza city neighborhood of Al-Zaytoun.

Tried before the International Court of Justice for genocide against Palestinians, Israel has been waging a devastating war on Gaza since October 7, killing at least 36,284 Palestinians and injuring over 82,057 others.

Moreover, at least 7,000 people are unaccounted for, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

The Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has also resulted in the forceful displacement of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the displaced forced into the densely crowded southern city of Rafa'h near the border with Egypt – in what has become Palestine’s largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba.



Dozens of bodies found in Jabalya camp in Gaza following occupation army’s withdrawal

GAZA, Friday, May 31, 2024 (WAFA) -

 Following the Israeli occupation apartheid regime army withdrawal, ambulance and civil defense teams retrieved the bodies of dozens of people who were killed in Israeli attacks on the Jabalya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip.

WAFA correspondent reported that first-aid and civil defense crews recovered more than 70 bodies, including 20 children.

Search is still ongoing for dozens of missing people trapped under the rubble of houses, shelter centers, schools and hospitals, which were not spared from the occupation’s bombardment and destruction.

The occupation’s military also targeted medical clinics, centers and headquarters of the UNRWA Refugee Agency.

The occupation’s 20-day attack left the Jabalya camp in ruins, causing tremendous destruction and dramatic vandalism and leaving hundreds killed and injured. Around 200 thousand people were forcibly displaced during the 20-day attack.

UNRWA reported receiving "horrific reports" from its facilities in Jabalya over the past few weeks.

The UN Relief Agency said that it received reports of UNRWA offices that were destroyed in the camp by air strikes and bulldozed by Israeli troops.

The UN agency on its X account said that more than 170 UNRWA premises have been damaged or destroyed across the Gaza Strip. “Our facilities are Not a Target."

“These attacks must stop and the world must act to hold perpetrators accountable.”

UNRWA reported that the tents of people sheltering at their school were reportedly set on fire by the Israeli occupation forces, leaving displaced people, including children, killed and injured.



Israeli artillery shelling on Gaza kills three Palestinians

GAZA, Friday, May 31, 2024 (WAFA) –

Israeli occupation artillery Friday afternoon shelled Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of the city of Gaza, killing three Palestinians, according to WAFA correspondent.

He said that the occupation artillery pounded the vicinity of the Salah ad-Din Mosque in the neighborhood, killing at least three Palestinians and wounding others.

The fatalities and casualties were rushed to Al-Ahli Hospital, also known as Al-Ma'madani (the Baptist).

Tried before the International Court of Justice for genocide against Palestinians, Israel has been waging a devastating war on Gaza since October 7, killing at least 36,284 Palestinians and injuring over 82,057 others.

Moreover, at least 7,000 people are unaccounted for, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

The Israeli aggression has also resulted in the forceful displacement of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the displaced forced into the densely crowded southern city of Rafa'h near the border with Egypt – in what has become Palestine’s largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba.




Killing, Injuring, and Abduction of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces 


A Palestinian killed, four injured in IOFs raid on Al-Beerih

Friday 31-May-2024


A young Palestinian man was killed, and four others were injured, while another was arrested after the Israeli occupation forces (IOFs) stormed Al-Beerih, in the central West Bank on Thursday evening.

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that a Palestinian died of injuries he sustained in the chest during an Israeli military raid into Al-Beerih.

Local sources confirmed that the university student, Wajeeh Mu'hammed Al-Rama'hi, was killed after being shot by Israeli soldiers as clashes erupted during the IOFs raid into Al-Beerih.

The Israeli forces stormed Al-Beerih in large numbers amid heavy firing of teargas bombs and live ammunition, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes.

Another university student was also detained during the military raid, the sources added.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society also affirmed that three people were shot by live bullets during Al-Beerih raid, one of them in critical condition.

The Health Ministry earlier said that the four people, wounded by live fire during an Israeli raid on the occupied West Bank city of Al-Beerih, have arrived at the Palestine Medical Complex.

The injuries are, according to the Ministry: “a critical injury with live bullets to the head, a (moderate to serious) injury to the abdomen, and two minor injuries to the lower extremities.”

“A critical injury sustained by live bullets in the chest arrived at the Red Crescent Society Hospital in Al-Beerih,” the ministry added


Injuries in confrontations in Al-Khaleel (Hebron)

Friday 31-May-2024

Al-Khaleel (Hebron), (PIC)

A number of citizens suffered from suffocation during confrontations that erupted after the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Al-Khaleel (Hebron), on Friday.

The occupation forces stormed the center of the camp, and confrontations erupted, during which the soldiers fired sound grenades and tear gas canisters towards the citizens and their homes, causing a number of them to suffer from suffocation. They also deployed snipers on the roofs of a number of homes.

The rebellious youth managed to shoot down an “unmanned aerial vehicle” (drone) of the occupation army after targeting it with stones, and activists broadcast scenes of the youth stomping on the drone with their shoes.

The occupation forces had also stormed several towns in the Ramallah and Jineen governorates, amid fierce confrontations with the rebellious youth.

The Israeli occupation forces raided the villages of 'Abboud and Dair Ghassana north of Ramallah, as well as the village of Burqa east of Ramallah, deployed in its streets, and took positions around a mosque, while the soldiers fired live ammunition in the air as citizens were leaving the Friday prayer, without any reported injuries.

The Israeli occupation forces also stormed the entrance to the town of Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin, and raided the Al-Ba’ajah neighborhood, carrying out a wide-ranging combing and search campaign, without reporting any detentions. 


IOFs carry out large-scale raid, arrest campaign in the West Bank

Friday 31-May-2024


The Israeli occupation forces stormed, at dawn Friday, several West Bank cities and towns and detained several young men.

In Nablus, the IOFs broke into the city from the eastern side, raided the neighborhoods surrounding Balata refugee camp and the Northern Mountain neighborhood, and detained 4 young men after raiding their homes, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes.

The detainees were identified as the two brothers Muhammad and Saif 'Husam Zabara and the young man Ahmed Imran, while the fourth was not known.

A young man was injured during the raid, local sources reported.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society also affirmed that a young man suffered from gunshot injuries in the foot during the confrontations that broke out on Faisal Street in Nablus, after being stormed by IOF troops.

In Ramallah, clashes erupted in Kafr Malik and Burqa towns after being stormed by IOF troops.

The Israeli forces also forced their way into the Al-Dthahr area in Bait Ummar town of al-Khalil and the Shu'fat camp in Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).

Meanwhile, fires broke out due to the intensive use of teargas bombs in Al-Ram town, north ofAl-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).

In Qalqilya, the Israeli forces stormed the Al-Qur'an neighborhood and detained A'hmed Qur'an after storming his family house.

On the other hand, Israeli media sources revealed that the Israeli army will distribute more machine guns to the illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank. 


Several Palestinians suffocate by tear gas during confrontations in Nablus-area village

NABLUS, Friday, May 31, 2024 (WAFA) -

Several Palestinians suffocated this evening by tear gas fired by the Israeli army during a military raid into the village of 'Aseera Al-Qibliya, south of Nablus, said a local official.

The head of 'Aseera Al-Qibliya village council, 'Hafidth Sali'h, said Israeli forces stormed the said village, amid the heavy shooting of live bullets and tear gas bombs, causing several suffocation cases among residents.

He added that the Israeli occupation apartheid regime forces deployed their troops in the vicinity of a mosque during the confrontations.














Aggression and Attacks by Illegal Israeli Settlers and Soldiers


 Illegal Israeli settlers bar the Bedouin community from using major street near Aree'ha (Jericho)

Aree'ha (Jericho), Saturday, June 1, 2024 (WAFA) –

 A group of the illegal Israeli settlers today barred a Bedouin community from using a major street, northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Aree'ha (Jericho), according to a local activist.

'Hasan Mulai'hat, supervisor of the Al-Baidar Organization in Defense of Bedouin Rights, said that colonists prevented residents of the 'Arab Al-Mulai'hat Bedouin community from standing at the Al-Mulai'hat Street while the latter were waiting for a public taxi to pick them to Ramallah or Jericho to sell their dairy products.

He added that the colonists’ raid into the community was part of the Israeli occupation's ongoing policy of displacing the community to make room for colonial expansion.

According to the Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ), the 'Arab Al-Mulai'hat come originally from Negev; people of this area were forcebly expelled to live in different places of the West Bank due to their nomadic nature.  In the mid-1980s, people of Al-Mulai'hat were sent out from Al-Irqa area to Maghayir Al-Dair, which is only 7km away from it, claiming the area as a military closed zone by the Israeli occupation apartheid regime.





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